ccbc's artist interview series with libbie burns

ccbc's artist interview series with libbie burns

The CCBC’s Artist Interview Series is published on the 15th of each month. Our intention is for readers to connect with the incredible artists in our space, consider craft through the lens of an artist and encourage people in their own journey with craft.



Could you tell us briefly what you make and if it has evolved over time?

My work has transitioned from frame loop tapestry weaving, to spinning various fibres, to dyeing with natural dyes, to hand felted wall pieces, to wearable hand felted pieces, to hand felted sculptural creations.

What inspired you to make your pieces, or how, conceptually, did your work come to be?

Inspiration has always been colour, texture and form, as related to my interpretation of the beauty and majesty of Mother Nature. I search mainly for natural wool and silk fibres. On some occasions, a piece of music promotes an inspiration to begin the creative process.  

Why do you make craft?

Libbie Burns Welt Felted Scarf

I make craft to challenge myself to learn new ways to manipulate the natural fibres in order to express an inspiration. That inspiration may be functional or sculptural. Projects provide a therapeutic opportunity to get quiet and focus on the essence of intuitive unique design. Wet felting is good physical exercise and mental exercise in a creative environment. I want to inspire others to enjoy the finished project and perhaps even develop an interest in learning the techniques to create their own work. 


 Are there ideas, values, beliefs, or concepts that your work communicates? Could you tell us a bit more about that? 

Look at life and see what you love. Listen to your heart and explore what you love. Pay close attention to your intuition. Experiment. Take courses to develop skilled techniques. Be courageous! Be patient! Have fun!

What would you say to emerging or young craft artists?

I strive to communicate the beauty of life. Being in the moment allows an appreciation of the creative potential and ability to share that. The intention to create is like an adventure of discovery and it strengthens harmony - both individual and collective. Connection among the collective is imperative!


Libbie Burns



images in order of appearance



Our intention with this series is for readers to connect with the incredible artists in our space, consider craft through the lens of an artist and encourage people in their own journey with craft. The CCBC’s Artist Interview Series is published on the 15th of each month.  


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